Sunday, June 28, 2015

And I'm off!

Spain!!!! I can't believe I leave tomorrow. It's been about nine years since I've been back, but I still didn't think I'd be able to make it there any time soon. What brought on this sudden visit to one of the most amazing places on earth? It all started with an email.

A couple of months ago, I received a message from a lovely new friend that I met at the FLAVA conference (Foreign Language Association of Virginia. It's technically pronounced "Flah-va", but I prefer to say it the way Flavor-Flav would). She explained that Spanish teachers that are FLAVA members can apply for two different summer travel scholarships through the organization, and that she was the 2014 winner of the scholarship for a summer program in Salamanca, Spain. She said it was a life-changing professional development and cultural opportunity, and she encouraged me to apply. I decided to check out the options, and with Dave's blessing, I applied for the other offered scholarship, for a two week program in Costa Rica. I figured that two weeks was a manageable time to be away, and that program would have even allowed me to bring Annaleigh if I wanted to pay for her. To make a long story short, I didn't win that scholarship. However, about a month later I received a call from FLAVA offering me a scholarship through the Embassy of Spain for three weeks in Salamanca. Oddly enough, this call came no more than two hours after a call from our landlords' realtor, with an offer for purchasing the townhouse that we were renting, provided that we were willing to close in a month. Decisions, decisions. Three weeks (plus a few days for travel) seemed like a long time away from my little family, especially if we were about to become homeowners again. I deliberated for about 48 hours, discussing my options ad nauseum with my very patient mom, husband, and coworkers before finally deciding to say "yes" to both offers. I was going to Spain, and we were buying a house!

Needless to say, it has been a somewhat stressful period since. We jumped through a lot of hoops to get the house within the timeline requested by our landlords, and I also went through the typically rigorous "last few weeks of school" process. In addition, there was a trip to Colorado for a family wedding thrown in there as well. I fortunately had a nine day period between my last day of school and my departure, which is currently wrapping up as I type this. This past week has been a bit hectic, filled with playtime with my kiddo, visits with friends, scheduled appointments with roofers and water heater replacers (ah, the joys of home ownership), and one minor visit to the ER this past Friday. I foolishly attempted to put some industrial shelves together in my basement alone, and wound up whacking myself in the head with a metal beam. Fortunately, my friend - and Annaleigh's teacher - was on her way to visit us and was able to drive us to the local ER. The doctor said I'll be just fine, and two days later I am feeling mostly better. The incomplete skeleton of the shelving unit now stands stoically in my basement as a reminder that I should not constantly try to bite off more than I can chew.

Shelfgate 2015

As for the rest of family, I am certainly going to miss this cute little face each day:

She knows that I'm leaving, but I don't think she quite grasps the magnitude of how long I'll be gone. I plan on Skyping with her whenever possible and talking on the phone as well, but I know it won't quite be the same. I'm eternally grateful to all of the friends and family members who are stepping in and helping to care for Annaleigh so that I can take advantage of this opportunity. It means more to me than words can express, and Dave is equally thankful.

Speaking of which, Papa Bear seems to be the most nervous of all about my upcoming departure. While I truly think that this will be a good bonding opportunity for my two favorite people, I definitely do feel guilty for leaving. However, Dave appears to be taking it in stride, as is evident by this morning's pony tail tutorial:

Not bad for his first attempt at doing her hair. Yes, you read that right. His first attempt in FOUR YEARS. But I digress, since after all, he agreed to let me keep her hair long in spite of the challenge. He's also channeling some of his extra stress into impulse buys at the grocery store for items that it would never in a million years occur to me to purchase.

Exhibit A

Yes, I think that Dave and Annaleigh are going to have a one-of-a-kind, hair-raising, sugar-filled, meaningful time together. I am so amazed by this guy, who is willing to take on single parenthood and the running of our household - in addition to his high-stress job - for nearly a month, just so that I can go off an enjoy this once in a lifetime experience. I am pretty lucky, indeed.

And now I'm off to tie up loose ends before tomorrow's departure. After all, that suitcase is not going to pack itself. I've left it open in my room for the past couple of hours just in case it changes its mind, but no such luck. Stay tuned for highlights from my upcoming adventures!!


  1. Congratulations Autumn!! What a wonderful opportunity for you. Don't feel guilty my sweet, you deserve this. Dave and Anni will do fine, they will grow even closer. God bless your super duper friends and family for chipping in. You will be in my thoughts and I will be checking this blog often. Love you!! MEB

  2. Sounds like a great adventure! Also, kudos to Dave for that ponytail! The most my dad ever did was put a Bobby pin in my hair after my baby brother was born.
